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We have the latest full in-depth reviews on this years top health products. You can also find fascinating articlesimportant health tips, health news, and more. Let ReviewSpark be your go-to source for everything health.

New research challenges the idea that a child's weight largely reflects the way their parents feed them. Instead, parents appear to adopt feeding styles in response to their children's natural body weight, which is largely genetically influenced.

Parental 'feeding styles' reflect children's genes

Parkinson’s disease may start in the appendix, not the brain. People are less likely to get the condition if they had their appendix out decades previously. And a toxic compound found in the brains of people with this disease has now been spotted in the appendix...

Parkinson’s disease may start in the appendix and travel to the brain

Eating one tuna sandwich might increase the risk of heart disease in people also taking aspirin, but eating three tuna sandwiches and taking aspirin … might not.

Aspirin Can Help Your Heart. Omega-3s Might. But Together? Maybe Not.

Latest health studies and breakthroughs from around the world...

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